Thursday, September 13, 2012

Second day of school lunch!

I forgot to post a picture of lunch for the first day of Pre-K but keeping with my first day tradition I sent sushi and some sides.  Juju stays for a longer day now so I have to pack a lunch AND two snacks.  It's a lot of food.  I don't get too creative with the snacks so I will probably just post lunches for now.  Sorry I have been absent for a bit (I have been working on another blog.  If you don't know about it email me and I will tell you!).

For the second day I sent brown rice teddy bears (with currants for eyes and nose), cucumber flowers, edamame, strawberries, and a dark chocolate covered almond for dessert.  I made the brown rice bears with a cute stainless steel mold I got in little Tokyo.  If you aren't cooking sticky rice, you need the rice to be hot when you mold it (I tried to make it this morning for lunch with cold rice and the bears fell apart before we left the house).  I now make lunches in the morning which makes the morning rush a bit more difficult but it is probably fresher.

Happy new school year!