As you know I have
fantasized about a number of stainless steel lunch containers on this website and have added a good number of them to my repertoire with mixed reviews. You'll remember I
swooned over the much ballyhooed Planet Box lunch box only to
turn on it later because of it's price, low rating on the "cute" scale, and seeming inflexibility. Well, as the proud new owner of a
Planet Box, I have to say, I was wrong, it's pretty incredible, and Juju and I are in love.
First I have to explain how it came to be that I own a Planet Box lunchbox in the first place. You'll recall I had vowed to stop purchasing lunch box accessories and focus on making the most of my current stash. But, I have no control over the Lunch Fairy (who, it turns out, is alive and well and living in New York - after a brief sojourn in Los Angeles when she brought me
One of my oldest and dearest friends Erin told me she was coming to LA to visit her family and friends with her husband and ADORABLE 3 month old son, Freddy. Erin has done so much for me over the years; she consistently goes above and beyond what normal good friends do for one another and I hope I she knows how much I appreciate all she has ever done for me. Naturally I offered to loan Erin a bunch of Juju's old baby stuff to spare her the hassle of lugging a car seat or stroller across the country or wonder where her little guy would be able to nap comfortably. Considering how many times Erin has helped me pack up and move dorm rooms and apartments, lug odd-sized things around Manhattan, fend off unwanted advances from cab drivers, and just been there for me as one of the most positive influences in my life for the last 15 or so years, it was the least I could do. And since her sister lives so close by, I didn't really think I had done very much by dropping the stuff off before her her arrival.
Well, according to Erin, I had done her such a big favor that she deemed Juju and I (but let's be honest, it was mostly for me!) worthy of a visit from the Lunch Fairy. I could hardly believe my eyes when I opened up a box left on my doorstep last week containing the Planet Box, a beautiful purple carrying case, and groovy magnet/stickers to go on top. It was so unexpected and unnecessary yet absolutely the perfect gift. Thank you Erin. If only you knew getting to hang out with you and Scott and Freddy was gift enough! You're amazing.
Juju played with the box (without food) all night long and I was so excited to pack her lunch in it the next day. It has so far exceeded my expectations. The box is really well designed and I love that the lunch is packed flat (it looks like a mini lap top in a case when packed) so it's easy to store in my crowded refrigerator. My only problem is that I end up serving more food than I normally would because I try to fill each space with food for aesthetic reasons. I either need to get over that or figure out ways to make less food look like more.
Here are the three lunches I have served so far with the Planet Box. The first is shells and cheese with peas, cucumber, avocado, strawberries, and a few chocolate covered raisins.

Today I served cottage cheese, brown rice, tomatoes and cucumbers, strawberries and raspberries, and a mini brownie bite. I am not sure how I feel about sending a dessert every day. It was easy last year knowing that we couldn't send any dessert; I didn't have to decide. I hadn't been sending dessert this year until I learned that on Mondays, the hot lunch served at school comes with a dessert. I didn't want Juju to feel left out when sitting next to her hot lunch-eating friends so I sent a sweet with her lunch too. Today's lunch experience also revealed that Juju is probably the first luncher to bring a Planet Box to school. . .nobody noticed that she didn't put the lid back on the cottage cheese container when she was packing up her lunch today and it leaked all over the beautiful new purple carrying case. Fortunately, it washed pretty easily. But it was really gross and I'm not sure how to prevent it from happening in the future.

And tomorrow I am serving homemade turkey meatballs, brown rice, green beans, a cut up plum, and ok, yes, another brownie bite. We have a few small brownies in the freezer leftover from an event this weekend and I might just have to include them until they run out. My lunch packing-induced OCD is kicking in and I'm just not content to leave any compartments empty. The first step in healing is admitting you have a problem, right?
I still love Juju's new for school
blue lunchbox and I am sure I will go back to it at some point when I decide to switch things up but for now the Planet Box is just too much fun!